Using Range.Offset in Excel VBA

To select a cell in Excel, you have two basic methods: RANGE and CELLS:

Range ("A1").Select
Cells(3, 4).Select   'Selects Row 3, Column 4, i.e. cell D3

Range works well for hard-coded cells. Cells works best with calculated cells, especially when you couple it  with a loop:

For i = 1 to 10
     Cells(i, 1).value = i   ' fill A1 through A10 with the value of i
Next i

Note that your focus does not change. Whatever cell you were in when you entered the loop is where you are when you leave the loop. This is way faster than selecting the cell, changing the value, selecting the next cell, etc. If you are watching the sheet, the values simply appear.

There are times when you are processing a list when you might want to look at the values in the same row, but a couple of columns over.  You can accomplish this best with the .Offset clause. You might see the .Offset clause when you record a macro using relative references:

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select

This is both confusing and overkill. Translated into English, it takes the current cell (ActiveCell) and selects the row that is one row down from the current row and in the same column. The “Range(“A1″)” clause is not necessary. So if you want to stay in the current cell and read a value two columns to the right, you could use syntax like the following:

strMyValue = ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value

If you are in cell D254, the code above will reference the cell F254 and read its value into the variable strMyValue. This is far more efficient than selecting the cell two columns to the right, processing your data, then remembering to select two columns to the left and continue.

If you want to offset to a column to the left of you or a row above you, use a negative number. If you are in cell G254, the code ActiveCell.Offset(-3,-2).Select will select E251 (3 rows up and 2 columns left).

You can loop through a list much more efficiently with Offset. It is easier to program and way faster to execute.

While ActiveCell.Value <> ""
    strFirstName = ActiveCell.Value

    strLastName = ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).Value

    dblSalary = ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value

    ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).Value = dblSalary * 1.05 'give a 5% raise

    MsgBox(strFirstName & " " & strLastName & ": Your new salary is " & dblSalary)



You would probably want to format the salary for currency, but this is the general idea.


Using Range.Offset in Excel VBA — 48 Comments

  1. Hi:
    I has an excel table with a range of (B12:ZZ74), the Column B must be for symbols and Column C for numeric values, Column D for symbols and Column E for numeric values so on until the end of the range. I need a VBA code that search for the symbol <, and replace it with V/2. The the value next "Right" to this symbol divide it by two, and change the cell color for V/2 and the new numeric value.

  2. I am removing rows from worksheet A to worksheet B to be archived. Somewhere in my code it does not continue the offset, everytime i remove it replaces the current line. I use A1 as my reference point from worksheet B. Here is the code
    Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    Sheets(“Wait List”).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Select
    Sheets(“Wait List”).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 2).Select
    Sheets(“Wait List”).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 3).Select
    Sheets(“Wait List”).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Sheets(“Removed from wait list 2015”).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 4).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 8).Select
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Date
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 9).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Application.UserName
    Sheets(“Wait List”).Select
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

  3. When you are deleting with Range Offset, it is better to start on the last row and delete/cut it, then move up one row and work with that. When you cut a row, you need to make sure to move to the next row and you can control it better from the bottom up.
    Also, rather than hardcode your cell references, use loops:

    for i = LastRow to FirstRow Step -1
    cut/copy as you are doing
    switch to the “removed” sheet
    move down one row
    switch back to the “wait List” sheet
    next i
    i will select the next row up and work with it. If necessary, sort the “Removed” list after you are done.
    Thank John Walkenbach for the tip on moving up one row.

  4. hi

    I need a code for example

    If Range(“A2”).Select
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    Here the range is mentioned as A11 for pasting the data if i continue it for next day it is pasting the data on A11 itself but it should select the next 11th line for ex A22 and if i do for the third day the data should be pasted on A33 etc….

    • Try substituting the following for your Range(“A11”).Select statement:


      This will add 11 to whatever row you are in and move you down 11 rows.

      Also, not sure why there is an IF in Row 1. If this is part of a larger code section, no worries. Otherwise, just get rid of it since there is no corresponding END IF.

  5. I’m looking for code that finds the value “NOF” in a column then copies that row and the 10 rows above and below into a new sheet and prints it.

    such as in column J, the cell J100 contains “NOF”
    i want to print all columns (A:K) for rowns 90 throught 110.

    i need to code to read through this giant work book and print a page for the many instances of “NOF”

  6. Hey,
    I want to copy one range (A2:A9) from one sheet to another with an additional empty space(column) between each cell.
    E.G – in sheet2, – B2 = sheet1 A2, B3 (empty), B4 = sheet1 A3, B5 (empty), etc.

    While also adding the range to the next available row on the second sheet.
    I’ve got the code for X1row but not the offset.
    Please help.

    • A bunch of ways to do it. Here’s a quick and dirty one. You copy the current cell + j (as j goes from 0 to 7), then switch to the second sheet, and offset by 2 each times (i = 1 to 14 Step 2 – add 2 to the loop control variable).

      I’d probably virtualize the cell references rather than hardcode A2:A9, but this is a fast fix:

      Sub MoveIt()
      Dim intRow As Integer
      Dim intCol As Integer
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim j As Integer

      intRow = 2
      intCol = 1
      j = 0

      For i = 0 To 14 Step 2
      Worksheets(2).Cells(intRow + i, intCol + 1).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(j, 0).Value
      j = j + 1
      Next i

      End Sub

  7. Hi,
    I need to extract data from the table of a website and put those values in the reverse order in a specific row,column of my excel sheet. Here’s my code:

    Set Table = appIE.document.getElementsByClassName(“table4”)
    r = 52
    c = 10

    For Each itm In Table
    Worksheets(1).Range(“F52”).Offset(r, c).Value = itm.innerText
    End If
    Next itm

  8. I need this code to repeat continuously after every use. After I search the keyword I am looking for, I want it to go to the next line and when I search again, I want it to save what I had originally searched for, and continue just like that.

    Here is the code:

    Sub Test2()
    Dim myWord$
    myWord = InputBox(“What key word to copy rows”, “Enter your word”)
    If myWord = “” Then Exit Sub

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim xRow&, NextRow&, LastRow&
    NextRow = 2
    LastRow = Cells.Find(what:=”*”, After:=Range(“A1”), SearchORder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    For xRow = 1 To LastRow
    If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rows(xRow), “*” & myWord & “*”) > 0 Then
    Rows(xRow).Copy Sheets(“Jannah”).Rows(NextRow)
    NextRow = NextRow + 1
    End If
    Next xRow
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    MsgBox “Macro is complete, ” & NextRow – 2 & ” rows containing” & vbCrLf & _
    “”” & myWord & “”” & ” were copied to Jannah.”, 64, “Done”
    End Sub

    • I see some issues with your code.
      First, you shouldn’t copy the entire row, just the cells you want. Not: rows(xRow).copy but Range(cells(xRow,1),cells(xrow,#)).copy
      Second, I am not clear about what you mean repeat continuously. Do you mean that the next time you run it, it will keep the previous copies and continue? You’ll need to have a marker of some sort – save the row copied from to Jannah and use that as a start row+1 is one way.
      Also: Sheets(“Jannah”).Rows (nextrow) doesn’t seem to work. I replaced it with:
      Application.CutCopyMode = False
      nextrow = nextrow + 1

      What version of VBA are you using? Some interesting constructions there. I’d go about them differently, but yours work.

  9. Hi,

    I’m trying to run a series of macros down a list of values.
    First step-change cell value (based on dropdown list-lookup)
    This triggers a macro (on value change) that changes the filters on several pivot tables “vChange()”
    Second step-“Print_toPDF()” macro that I have assigned to a button that prints a pdf of my template and names it based on a dynamic cell

    I planned to use the call statement for both macros, but I can’t figure out how to set up the loop to change the cell value (the cell value needs to change for the value change macro and because I’ve set up several vlookups with that cell).

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks so much!

  10. Hi Admin, Here is my need ! Kindly let me know your feedback !!!

    Sheet 2 have column A,B and C and sheet 1 need to be updated in the below format
    Sheet(1) column B2-B9 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column B2
    Sheet(1) column C2 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C2
    Sheet(1) column J9 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C2
    Sheet(1) column B10-B17 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column B3
    Sheet(1) column C10 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C3
    Sheet(1) column J17 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C3

    Sheet(1) column B18-B25 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column B4
    Sheet(1) column C18 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C4
    Sheet(1) column J25 cell should be updated from Sheet(2) column C4
    etc….. This range is uniform and need to generate close to 1000 nos.

    Awaiting response.. Thanks !

    • Not sure what you are asking for. The general code follows. You should be able to put it in loop.

      Dim intRow1, intRow2, intCol1, intCol2 As Integer

      intRow1 = 5
      intCol1 = 2
      intRow2 = 7
      intCol2 = 3

      Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Cells(intRow1, intCol1).Value = Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Cells(intRow2, intCol2).Value

  11. HI Admin,
    Looking to code a search of a row of cells that will sum the values of the cells containing the value 2. I need to find the first cell value with value 2 then sum cells to the right until cell 2. Cell value will be either zero or 2 both a result of a formula in the cell. Test if the sum of the cells with values 2 => X and if so return a message “yes you reached your goal” , if not continue checking until a total of 95 cells to the right from the starting cell have been checked.
    I have got this far and now stumped.

    Sub Find_Goal()

    Dim x As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim iVal As Integer

    On Error Resume Next
    Set x = Application.InputBox(prompt:=”Please click on the spot to start counting from “, Type:=8)
    ‘ Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If Not x Is Nothing Then

    Selection.Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 0, Selection.Columns.Count + 672).Select

    Set rngMyRange = Selection
    For i = 1 To 95
    i = i + 1
    Range(rngMyRange).Value = Selection.Value + 1

    iVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf((Selection), “2”)
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

    MsgBox iVal

    ‘ Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached.
    Loop Until Selection.Value = 0

    Next i

    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End SubSub Find24hours_Rest()

    Dim x As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim iVal As Integer

    On Error Resume Next
    Set x = Application.InputBox(prompt:=”Please click on the spot to start counting from “, Type:=8)
    ‘ Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If Not x Is Nothing Then

    Selection.Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 0, Selection.Columns.Count + 672).Select

    Set rngMyRange = Selection
    For i = 1 To 15
    i = i + 1
    Range(rngMyRange).Value = Selection.Value + 1

    iVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf((Selection), “2”)
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

    MsgBox iVal

    ‘ Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached.
    Loop Until Selection.Value = 0

    Next i

    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ‘ Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End Sub

  12. Hello Admin. See if you can help me out with this one.

    I have a file with attribute names as headers and applicable values in the columns beneath each header. Rows mean nothing to me here. I need to remove all duplicate values and sort, per column.

    I thought the easiest thing to do would be to record a macro on one column, and then run the macro on the each of the remaining columns .. but that ain’t working.

    Can you help? Does this even make sense?

    Thank you.

  13. Hi!

    I’d like to ask for your help. I have workbook calendar type workbook.
    It looks like something like this.
    A col. B col. D col. E col. F col.
    1 Startdate Starttime Enddate Endtime Title etc….
    2 2017.11.09 8:00 2017.11.09 12:00 Dosthing
    3 2017.11.12 9:00 2017.11.13 15:00 ETC
    4 .. .. …. .. ..
    I need a button, – on a different worksheet – which “jumps” to A5. If i fill a new row then A6 etc…
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    If you’re interested, i can share my workbook with you.

  14. Please assist
    I am creating a xml document with header and detail data.
    I have two columns in Excel
    Column A = Customer and Column B equals Stockcode
    So I need 2 loops. The fist loop to only select the customer code once as this is the header information and the second loop to select each stockcode for the customer

    Your assistance will be greatly appreciated
    Many thanKS
    A B
    Customer code Stockcode
    201 123ex
    201 124ex
    201 125 ex
    203 123ex
    203 124ex

  15. I want to copy cells A2 and B2 from sheet 2 on to cells C12 and C13 in sheet 1. Then Copy Cells A3 and B3 from sheet 2 to cells C12 and C13. Then do this until there the last row in sheet 2. Below is what I have been able to do so far.

    ‘Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“C12”).Value = Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Range(“A2”).Value

    ‘Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“C13”).Value = Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Range(“B2”).Value

    • Put it in a loop

      Dim strSheet1Value1 as string
      Dim strSheet1Value2 as string

      While ActiveCell.Value <> “”
      strSheet1Value1 = ActiveCell.Value
      strSheet1Value2 = activeCell.offset(0,1).value
      ActiveCell.Value = strSheet1Value1
      activeCell.Offset(0,1).value = strSheetValue2

      Are you sure you mean to always put the value in C12 and C13? If you do, you will only get the last value in your list.

    • Use offset. Say you find the value using ActiveCell:

      dim strThreeColValue as string

      strThreeColValue = activecell.offset(0,3).value

      The offset will take the current cell and look 0 columns and 3 columns to the right and return the value. The ActiveCell won’t change. You can use a loop to iterate through all your values:

      While ActiveCell.value <> “”
      strThreeColValue = activecell.offset(0,3).value
      ‘do whatever else you need to
      ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select ‘move down one row. Without this, you have an endless loop

  16. hi Admin,

    I’m new to VB Excel. I have a form where i would like the user to click the button and each click populates the value “Yes” every time the button is clicked. However, what my code is doing is one click and every cell is populated with Yes. I also have a no button… it’s doing the same thing. Once click and all field are populated with “No”. Would you be able to help me fix the code so that in the each click populates only one entry of “Yes” or only one entry of “No”? Thank you for your time.

    Sub Yes()

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$15:$D$15”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$16:$D$16”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$17:$D$17”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$18:$D$18”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$19:$D$19”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$20:$D$20”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    If Selection.Address = (“$B$21:$D$21”) Then
    ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
    End If

    End Sub

    • The problem is that your code updates B15:D15, then moves down a row. The next line of code tests whether the range is B16:D16, which it now is. So your code then executes that section, moves down and tests B17:D17, which is now true. So your code will execute every test in turn.

      Since the code always puts “Yes” in the selected cell, you can simply use the ActiveCell.Value = “Yes” and the ActiveCell.Offset line rather than test for where you are, since wherever you are, you are entering yes.

      If your code does more than you are showing, try using a SELECT CASE statement:

      Select Case Selection.Address
      Case "$B$15:$D$15: ActiveCell.value = "Yes"
      Case "$B$16:$D$16: ActiveCell.value = "yes"
      End Select

      Or at least use IFElse statements:

      If Selection.Address = (“$B$15:$D$15”) Then
      ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
      ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
      Else If Selection.Address = (“$B$16:$D$16”) Then
      ActiveCell.Value = “Yes”
      ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range(“A1”).Select
      End If

  17. hi
    i need help in the following :

    This is my criteria .Whenever i move a row down from Row 1 ,C2 and E2 will auto return with yes.

    Problem is i always need to go to row 1 to execute it. i want it to be whatever cell i am in , i execute where i am to leave the loop .

    Public Sub InsertRow()
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Rows(“1:1”).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown

    Range(“C2”).Value = “no”
    Range(“E2”).Value = “no”
    End Sub

    • It is unclear what you are asking. The first row inserts a row below the Active Cell, so I don’t understand why you have to go to Row 1. There is no loop in your code sample, so I don’t know what else you are doing that might affect the Active Cell. More information please.

      • Sorry for the confusion .

        -I have 5 column in the excel sheet (A TO E). C1 and E1 will be inputted as “YES”. A1 ,B1 and D1 will not be touched as they are general information.

        -I want to copy cell C1 to C2 as “YES” , E1 to E2 as “YES” at the same time ,whenever I insert a new row . then do this until there the last row in sheet is .

        Sub Macro1()
        r = ActiveCell.Row
        Cells(r + 1, 3).EntireRow.INSERT
        Cells(r, 3).Copy Destination:=Cells(r + 1, 3)
        End Sub

        Current problem from this formula is, I only can copy Column C down the row.

  18. I have limited experience with VB however I’m trying to combine information from 2 worksheets to reconcile payment information.

    I have a “PayPal” worksheet and an “Accounts Data” worksheet – I’m trying to generate code to Select the first “Customer Number” from column A in the PayPal sheet (A2) then copy the contents from cells E through H in that row, then swap to the Accounts Data sheet, search for a matching Customer Number (now headed “P.O.#” Column A) and Paste the data into L through O in that row. Then repeat until the end of the data in the PayPal sheet.

    I have made up a few Macros to rearrange the data and to exclude redundant information, but I’ve been grappling with this Search/Copy/Match/Paste loop and can’t get my head around it.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    • I would use a VLOOKUP to make the find and paste easier. In the Accounts Data sheet, enter a VLOOKUP to search for the customer data in Paypal, then return a value from that list. Add multiple VLOOKUPs, one for each column you want to bring in. Then, copy them down. When you are done, you can do a Paste Special Values to get rid of the VLOOKUP and get just the values in place. Use an IFERROR statement to capture a “Not Found” situation.

      You can put this in a macro, including adding the VLOOKUP, if you want. I would create the VLOOKUPs in the first row, turn on R1C1 style (Options|Formulas) and copy the resulting formula. Put it in quotes in an ActiveCell.Offset(0,#).FormulaR1C1 statement.

      You can use the Find option, but you need a Boolean variable, bolFound, to assign to the Find and then test if bolFound = True, then you have the right row. This is going to be a little trickier, I think.

      • Thanks for this info and suggestion.

        After lots of reading, research, trial and lots of errors – I found VLOOKUP and it worked well and is much more simple that other ideas I had.
        I have collated the stages of creating the final report into 3 separate macros, which I will look at cleaning up a little later – just for now I’m happy I have a Reconciliation Report I can work with.
        I’m not familiar with R1C1 or IFERROR statements, but it will give me something to research and see how I can apply them.
        Currently I suspect I have a problem with the Copy Down process I used in recording the macro – I used a double click to copy the VLOOKUP formula down the column to the end of the data, but it has hard coded the range (H3:H100) into the macro. I wasn’t sure how to do this otherwise. It will become an issue as the number of entries increases past 97.
        Thanks for your help.

        • The hard-coded range was probably put in there when you recorded it. There are a number of ways to fix this, with macros and without, but the simplest is to change the range to 200 or 300 and then copy it down.

          The R1C1 style won’t be necessary if you are doing the copying manually. The IFERROR function will display a value if the formula you want to use results in an error. For example, IFERROR([vlookup formula here],””) will display a blank if the vlookup results in an #N/A! error if the ID is not found. You could change the “” to 0 if you want a number you can use.

          Later on, after you’ve used this for a while, you could look into creating a macro for the whole thing.

  19. I have spread sheet with Column titles are Names Person A, Person B. Column has repeat values e.g. Late, Early, Day, Rest, Etc.
    Column A is Weekday e.g. Monday, tues etc. and Column B is Date.
    Column C to P have various Person Name as title. Row 2 to 30 have various shift pattern with value of Early, day, Rest.

    I want to create table with Macro where Date is Column Title and Shift Type is Row title. e.g. it puts Name of person from column C for Early (if marked as early) if not goes to next column to search for Early) if there are multiple early I want it to populate it too.

    I will appreciate your help thank you

  20. I have an Excel template with columns A to C but col B has formula in it and I want my Access table to export data only from col A and C, but skip col B.
    Please suggest the code that can do this transfer. Thank you.

    • You mean you want to export Col A and C and then import it into Access? Can you create an import mask in Access to ignore column B? Otherwise, I would copy A and C to a new sheet, then save that sheet as a Tab Delimited File and import that into Access.

      • Sorry for the confusion. I want to export Col A from Access table to col A into Excel template. And Col B & C from Access to Col C & D in Excel worksheet. This just a sample there is a lot more columns involved in that process. Basically I have a complicated formula in Col B in Excel template that I don’t want overwrite when moving data from Access to Excel and would like to automate this process using VBA code. Thank you.

        • The simplest is to export each field directly and skipping B. Read the value into a variable in Access. You’ll need to create an instance of the other application (Access if you are in Excel or Excel if you are in Access). Once you do:

          [switch to Access, read the value into the variable]
          [Switch to Excel]
          [assume you are using a loop to enter multiple rows and the loop control variable is “i”]

          Cells(i,1).value = [variable name]
          [Switch back to Access and read the next value into the variable]
          Switch back to Excel]
          Cells(i, 3).VALUE = [variable name]
          [keep doing this for all of your values]
          At the end of the row, the loop will increment i so you enter the next row.

          There are probably sexier ways to do this, but this is simple and reliable and unless you have 100,000 rows, the performance is fine.

  21. Hi Admin,

    I need a VBA Code which will copy Above Cell value Range E2: G till the previous columns have value and once Previous coulmn cell value come blank, it stop copying.

    Please help


    • I am not sure what you are asking. A While loop, While ActiveCell.Value <> “” will continue copying until you hit a blank row. Make sure to add an ActiveCell.Offset(1,0).Select statement to the end of the While look to move the cell cursor. Otherwise, it will stay on the current cell forever.

  22. Good morning,

    I am filling a column (from E18 to E90) with cell values from other worksheets. It is all working fine but when it reaches E90 I would like excel to continue filling cells in column L (Offset(0,7)).

    With the following code, where would I add the Offset code to make it work?

    For rep = 1 To (Worksheets.Count)
    If Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).Value = “Open” Or Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).Value = “Closed” Or Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).Value = “Partly-resolved” Or Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).Value = “(Non-issue)” Then

    b = Worksheets(“Issue Tracker”).Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row

    Worksheets(“Issue Tracker”).Cells(b + 1, 5).Value = Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).Value

    End If

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    • I would add the following code. You are accomplishing your task without Offset so continue to do so.

      if activecell.row > 90 then
      intCol = 7
      intCol = 5
      end if
      b = Worksheets(“Issue Tracker”).Cells(Rows.Count, intCol).End(xlUp).Row

  23. Hi Admin, I’m kind of new to VBA programming and with some google help I have reached to the code below. But the VBA-code save the files as *.xls files and I would want to save it as *.xlsx files since I’m running on Excel2016. If I only replace the *.xls with *.xlsx the saved files are corrupt and empty! I can handle that even if it is *.xls files, but the more important which I hope you could guide me on following:
    I have let say nine *.xls files and I want to move one column from each *.xls file to a different file (we call it “joined_tst.xls”). So in this file nine columns from B is populated with data from each *.xls file. I tried with below code, but when it reaches “Windows(“joined_tst.xls”).Activate” it give the alert code and stop the process. Could you please suggest why it does not proceed. Also could you please suggest how I can move one column forward by each file. (In highlighted code below I want it to be B1 from first file, C1 from second file, D1 from third and so one in joined_tst.xls file).
    Thank you,

    Sub Macro4()

    ‘ Macro4 Macro

    ‘Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim MyFolder As String
    Dim myfile As String
    Dim folderName As String

    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    If .Show = -1 Then

    folderName = .SelectedItems(1)
    End If
    End With

    myfile = Dir(folderName & “\*.txt”)

    Do While myfile “”
    Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=folderName & “” & myfile

    Selection.Replace What:=”.”, Replacement:=”,”, LookAt:=xlPart, _
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1)
    .TopBottom = xlTop10Top
    .Rank = 1
    .Percent = False
    End With
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .Color = 10498160
    .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False


    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = “PC2”

    ‘save as excel file
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=folderName & “” & Replace(myfile, “.txt”, “.xls”)
    ‘use below 3 lines if you want to close the workbook right after saving, so you dont have a lots of workbooks opened
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    myfile = Dir
    End Sub
    ‘End Sub

    • First, you need to understand XLS vs XLSX /XLSM. The old XLS format allows macros. The new format, XLSX, does not. If you save a file with macros as an XLSX file, it will strip the macros out. Save it as a macro-enabled workbook, XLSM format.

      The error message may be because the joined_tst.xls isn’t open. It must be open for you to refer to it as a Window.

      The code you posted has a bunch of code in it to convert . to , and to add conditional formatting. To do the copy, I would use something like this:

      dim i as Integer
      dim strFileName as string filename:="joined_tst.xls”
      strfilename = input("what is the name of the first file?")
      for i = 2 to 10 filename:=strfilename
      cells(1,i) 'This selects column b for the first file
      cells(1,i).select 'selects B1 in the first file
      application.cutcopypaste = False
      strfilename = input("what is the name of the next file?")
      next i

      You may need to tweak this. It will open each file and since you are using a variable to select the column, it will move one column over each time you go through the loop. It starts at 2 to start at column B simply.

  24. Hello Admin,
    I need to export Col A from Access table to col A into Excel template. And Col B & C from Access table to Col C & D in Excel template. This just a sample there is a lot more columns involved in that process. Basically I have a complicated formula in Col B in Excel template that I don’t want overwrite when moving data from Access to Excel and would like to automate this process using VBA code. Please help. Thank you.

  25. Hello Admin,

    I have taken a few college courses related to Excel and C sharp, looks like I took the wrong coding language course because I cannot figure out how to write a macros to save my life! I understand loops etc. it is the language that evades me. I desperately need a macros that can highlight 1 entire row of data AFTER the user has entered data into EVERY cell within the specified row/range. Conditional formatting is not working…I have only been able to highlight each cell directly after the user enters data into individual cells (leaving blanks where data is missing which I do not want…) or highlight the entire row based on 1 cells value but this too includes the blank cells which is not what I am going for. Simply put, I need it to highlight the row once the user has entered values/string in each cell and NOT a minute sooner. The idea is to visually check off that a job is complete and that is indicated by every cell in that row containing data. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

    • I would do a conditional format rather than a macro:
      1. Select the entire range you want to format. Include blank rows if you must.
      2. Add a conditional format using a formula. It is painful to create the formula in the first place. You add the formula as though you were entering it into the first cell. The formula will be replicated for every cell in the highlighted range.
      3. For example, the formula for “non-blank cells” A3 through I3 is
      Notice the absolute columns. They are needed to make sure the proper cells are evaluated in every instance.
      4. Set the conditional format.
      5. Excel will apply the formula to every cell in the range. Only ranges with all cells filled in will be colored. So if A5:I5 are filled in, the conditional format will apply to A5:I5. If A6:I6 are mostly filled in, the cells remain normal.

  26. Actually, rereading your question, you want to use the macro and move to the next cell. The code would be:

    activecell.value = [result of the macro]
    while activecell.value <> ""

    This puts the calculation into the current cell, then moves down one row. While the contents of the new row are not blank, it keeps moving down. If you know the next row is blank, all you need is the activecell.offset(1,0).select to move to the next row.

    If you want to process a range of cells, this is the way to do it.

    There are a lot of ways to do this. One way is to use a construct like this. Say you want to put a value in Column A:

    Sub NextRow
    dim i as integer
    dim j as integer

    i = 1
    j = 1

    while [Not done - you set the condition]
    cells(i,j).value = i*j [or some other calculation]

    End Sub

    The statement cells(i,j).value will put a value in the cell A1, then increase i (the row) by one. The next time the loop runs, it will put the value in A2. And then A3 etc. You have to modify the example to add the test in the While line (while some condition is true). You have to do the calculation or processing and put the result in Cells(i,j).value [cells( row #, column #)]. Depending on the processing, it may be easier to put the result into a variable, then put the value of the variable in the Cells(i,j).value.

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