Capitalize a Word – Keyboard Shortcut

To quickly capitalize a word in any version of Microsoft Word, press SHIFT + F3 (top row of keyboard). Repeatedly tap the F3 key while holding down the SHIFT key to cycle through case options for the selected text — Sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase. Alternatively, the change the case of selected text: Click the Change Case button on the Home tab of the ribbon. … Continue reading

Mail Merge Problem: Leading Zeroes Missing from Zip Codes

When you use and Excel spreadsheet as a data file in a Word mail merge, formatting zip codes can sometimes make you want to tear all the hair out of your head. This is a particularly annoying problem because most users assume they are solving the problem by correctly formatting zip codes in Excel.  However, correctly formatted zip codes in Excel sometimes still arrive in Word without their leading zeroes. Here is one way to fix the problem permanently: Start Word, and then open a new blank document. Go to Word Options In Word 2007, click the Office Button, and … Continue reading

Automatic Borders in Word

Type — (three hyphens) and press ENTER for a straight line. Type === (three equals signs) and press ENTER for a double line. To turn off automatic borders: File Tab | Word Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect Options… Click the Autoformat As You Type tab. In the Apply as you type section, clear the Border lines checkbox. … Continue reading

Shortcuts for Selecting Text in Word

Double-click to select a word. CTRL-click to select a sentence. CTRL+A to select an entire document (or all the cells on a spreadsheet, or all the slides in a presentation, etc.) Shift-click to select a large area of text or several pages of a document. CTRL-click to select non-contiguous text areas. ALT + drag to select vertical areas of text. … Continue reading

Expand or Collapse Document Sections in Word 2013

Word 2013 includes a new feature that lets you collapse and expand sections of your document. If you are working on a long document, you can focus on a specific section by collapsing all the sections except the one on which you are working. You can also use this feature to entire sections within a document. Expanding or Collapsing a Section of a Document In order to expand or collapse a document section, you must use Word’s built-in heading styles.   After applying a heading style, a small gray triangle will appear to the left of the text. Simply click the … Continue reading

Learn to Use the Format Painter!

Copy Formatting Once To copy the formatting of a block of text and “paint” another block of text with it: Highlight the text whose formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter icon once. Your cursor will display a paintbrush. Highlight the text you want to “paint.” Word will format the text. The paintbrush icon will disappear from your cursor. Copy Formatting to Several Blocks of Text If you want to “paint” several blocks of text with a format, you can “stick” the Format Painter to your cursor by double-clicking it. Highlight the text whose formatting you want to … Continue reading

Enable or Disable Protected View in Office 2010/2013 Apps

Protected View is a safety feature in Office 2010/2013 that lets you view a document, but prevents it from running macros that might contain malware.  By default, it opens any document downloaded from the Internet in Protected View.  The same is true for any document attached to an email message, or any document in your browser cache. You can turn off Protected View for any of these options by clicking File / Options / Trust Center / Trust Center Settings… / Protected View.   … Continue reading