Show Non-consecutive Dates in Outlook

The Outlook Calendar lets you view any number of consecutive days by simply dragging across the days in the Date Navigator (the small calendar that shows the current month). For example, if you wanted to check your schedule for the first two weeks in December, you would switch the Date Navigator to December and drag across the first two weeks.

But suppose you need to check your schedule for every Friday in December? It’s easy, if you hold down the CTRL key while you select the individual dates in the Date Navigator.

Outlook will display your schedule for only the selected dates in the main window. To remove a date, keep the CTRL key held down, and click it again.

Save Multiple Attachments in Outlook Easily

If you receive several attachments in one e-mail message, there’s an easy way to save them all at once.

  1. With the e-mail message open or selected, select File | Save Attachments…
  2. Click OK
  3. Outlook will display a dialog box with a list of the attachments:
  4. Click OK.
  5. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the files.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Outlook will save all the files at once.

Customizable Ribbon in Office 2010/2013

In Office 2007, the Ribbon could not be customized.

In Office 2010, you can customize the Ribbon to add new buttons, new tabs or new groups.  You can also rename the existing tabs and groups to suit your needs.

To add a new tab or group to the ribbon:

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options to open the Word Options screen.
  3. Select the Customize Ribbon category on the left.

customizable ribbon

Date Calculation in Microsoft Access

There are a number of ways to calculate the time between two dates in Access. You can use a calculated field in a query, a calculated control in a form or report, or you can use a VBA procedure to perform the calculation.

If you need to calculate the number of days between two dates, the syntax is:

=[One date field] - [Another date field]

You can use functions to calculate the number of years between two dates:

=Year([One date field]) - Year([Another date field])

You can also use the DateDiff() function, which uses an argument to determine how the time interval is measured.

For example,

=DateDiff("q", Date1, Date2)

returns the number of quarters between the two fields. (In the example above, Date1 would be subtracted from Date2.) The other intervals that can be used in this expression are as follows: “yyyy” – Years, “m” – Months, “y” – Day of Year, “d” – Day, “w” – Weekdays, “ww” – Weeks, “h” – Hours, “n” – Minutes, “s” – Seconds.

Naming Date Fields

When naming date fields in Access, avoid naming a field Date, since this is a built-in Access function. Instead, consider using more descriptive names, such as BeginDate, HireDate, etc.

Hard Coding a Date

When calculating with dates in Access, you can hard-code an arbitrary date by using the following syntax:


For example, you would use the following code to subtract a date from Jan. 1, 2006:

=#1/1/2006# - [Date Field]


Screen Capture Tool in Office 2010/2013

All Office 2010 and 2013 applications now include a screen capture utility to help you quickly capture any area of the desktop screen.

The tool will automatically take screenshots of all open applications on your desktop (that are not minimized), and let you insert them directly into your document.

Inserting a Full Screen Screenshot

To insert a full screen screenshot:

  1. Click Screenshot in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab of the Ribbon.
  2. The application will display thumbnails of all open applications that are not minimized.
  3. Click the thumbnail you want to insert the screenshot in your document at the insertion point.

Highlight Cells Referenced by an Excel Formula

To highlight the cells referenced by an Excel formula, click into the cell with the formula, and press Ctrl-[ (Ctrl and the open square bracket key).

Excel highlights all the cells referenced by the formula, and selects the first referenced cell. Press ENTER to move the cell pointer to the next referenced cell.