Deleting vs. Clearing in Excel

Deleting the contents of a cell (by pressing the Delete key) does not delete formatting (although the cell appears to be blank). When you press the delete key, Excel removes the contents and remembers the formatting. To clear both, select Clear All in the Editing group on the Home tab. Better yet, right-click on the Clear All button and add it to the Quick Access Toolbar: … Continue reading

Learn to Use the Format Painter!

Copy Formatting Once To copy the formatting of a block of text and “paint” another block of text with it: Highlight the text whose formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter icon once. Your cursor will display a paintbrush. Highlight the text you want to “paint.” Word will format the text. The paintbrush icon will disappear from your cursor. Copy Formatting to Several Blocks of Text If you want to “paint” several blocks of text with a format, you can “stick” the Format Painter to your cursor by double-clicking it. Highlight the text whose formatting you want to … Continue reading

Cool Excel Shortcuts

Ctrl + ; – Puts the current date into the active cell; does not update automatically. Ctrl + Shift + ; – Puts the current time into the active cell; does not update automatically. Ctrl + A – Selects all the cells in the worksheet. Ctrl + Page Up – Makes the previous sheet in the workbook the active worksheet. Ctrl + Page Down – Makes the next sheet in the workbook the active worksheet. F2 – Lets you edit the cell without double-clicking on it. F11 – Creates a chart on a separate sheet from the selected data. … Continue reading

Enable or Disable Protected View in Office 2010/2013 Apps

Protected View is a safety feature in Office 2010/2013 that lets you view a document, but prevents it from running macros that might contain malware.  By default, it opens any document downloaded from the Internet in Protected View.  The same is true for any document attached to an email message, or any document in your browser cache. You can turn off Protected View for any of these options by clicking File / Options / Trust Center / Trust Center Settings… / Protected View.   … Continue reading

Selecting a Large Area of Data in Excel

Selecting a large range in Excel by dragging the mouse can be difficult. Try using the SHIFT key when you select a range that extends beyond what is displayed on your screen.  You can do this two ways: Click into the cell in the upper left corner of the range. Click into the Name Box and type the cell in the lower right corner of the range. Press SHIFT + Enter. Excel will select the entire range. As an alternative, you can start by clicking into the upper left corner of the range, then hold down the SHIFT key, while … Continue reading

Entering the Same Data into Multiple Cells in Excel

If you need to enter the same data into multiple cells in Excel, it’s easy with this simple trick. Select the cells where you need to enter the data.  If the cells are not contiguous,  use the CTRL key to select. Type the data you want into the last cell you select. Press CTRL + ENTER. Excel will enter the same data into every selected cell. … Continue reading

Excel VBA – Constants and Cell References

One of the techniques I have found very useful in writing Excel VBA code is to make the cell, row, and column references public constants rather than hard coding them. Take a reference to a row and column: cells(4,27).value If row 4 is the first data row and column 27 is the last column in the list, it is more useful to make them constants and refer to the constant: Public Const intFirstDataRow As Integer = 4 Public Const intLastRow As Integer = 27 And then make the above reference: cells(intFirstDataRow, intLastRow).value This way, when you add a couple of … Continue reading